When it comes to Movember posters your limited to what you can create, all you have to play with is a few different moustache styles and some words. However this gave me an idea, I could use the moustaches in a minimalist style and put them on drawings and outlines of famous film characters. This would give the posters a fun little twist and bring people in for a closer look, it's not every day you see Iron Man with a moustache is it?
I didn't just stop there with Iron Man, this idea span out of control and before I knew it I had minimalist posters of Harry Potter, PSY and Heisenberg.

These are to name but a few of the posters that I created and the full range will be available to download on the 1st of November for anyone who would like copies of these. If you wish copies of any of these please email me at:
amdesignproduction@gmail.com and I will kindly send you a Zipped copy of all of these.
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